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Chosen Dr. Jan Nolta- Stem Cell Researcher Head of UC Davis Stem Cell Program Director

Topic Background:

early Stem cells have the ability to develop into many different types of cells. Stem Cell Research is not without controversy. In the 1990s Congress banned the use of federal funding on embryos. President Bush limited funding to existing stem cell lines. Congress passed bills to open up federal funding to stem cell research but they were vetoed by President Bush. In 2009 President Barack Obama issued an executive order titled "Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells" (Executive Order 13505). This executive order allowed federal dollars to be spent on stem cell research.

Elections are upcoming and depending on who is elected stem cell research may yet again be impacted. Senator Orrin Hatch has assembled a committee of those interested and opposed to Stem Cell Research. Their task is to provide a summary of stem cell research in light of federal funding. This summary can serve as a baseline for future federal regulation of stem cell research.

Over the next 2 weeks you will be playing the role of a committee member. At the end of week 9 instructions for week 10 will be released.
Background Material:

Stem Cell Basics from the National Institute of Health

The Stem Cell Debate

2014 Year in Review- Stem Cell research break throughs and scandal

The Promise of Research with Stem Cells- TED Talk of your fellow group members in a manner that furthers your group towards consensus no later 2 and respond to WednesdayYour Forum Assignment for week 9 is to answer the questions below from the perspective of your role no later than that Sunday as well as answer any questions asked by the press.

1) What are embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

2) There is debate whether ES cells are "embryos" or just "specialized bodily tissues". They possess the human genome, based on the role you are playing do you believe they possess moral status?

3) Has the United States seen more progress since federal restriction on STEM cell research has been lifted?

4) Based on your personality what are the risks that arise by leaving future research unregulated in the private sector or by completely banning it? What do you think are some of the advantages or disadvantages to having federally regulated research?

You will chose a personality from the list below. Only one student per personality so claim your personality early in the week. Visit the website(s) associated with your personality to help you answer the questions due week 9 and start a dialogue among group members. This dialogue is important because it builds a framework for your group consensus that will be necessary to submit during week 10
Orrin Hatch- Senator (Leadership Role-grading rubric)
Dr. Jan Nolta- Stem Cell Researcher Head of UC Davis Stem Cell Program Director
Yury Verlinsky- Stem Cell Researcher Founder of Reproductive Genetic Innovations
Anita L Allen- Lawyer, Member of the Presidential Commission for the study of Bioethical Issues
Leanna Caron- Pharmacologist, Vice President and General Manager Sanofi-Genzyme
Steven Smith- Advocate Right to Life Committee Member
In addition I will be playing the role of:
Abiah Acotas- Reporter on science and policy

The overall goal of this forum is for your group to develop a background document to inform congress on stem cell research. The document must be in size 12 Times New Roman and double spaced. Document directions can be found below

Adult stem cells (what they are, how they are currently used, breakthroughs attributed to their use, medical & research challenges to their use etc.)

embryonic stem cells (what they are, how they are currently used, breakthroughs attributed to there use, medical & research challenges to their use, etc).

about pluripotent stem cells (what they are, how they are currently used, breakthroughs attributed to their use, medical & research challenges to their use) the bioethical concerns for and against stem cell testing

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M93116222
  • Price:- $10

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