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Facts about Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Select 4 of the following and then describe the early symptoms, potential long-term effects and diagnosis & treatment for each. This means that these are not just one or two wo rds.

HIV Infection

  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment


  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment


  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment

Pelvic inflammatory disease

  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment

Genital warts (HPV infection)

  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment

Genital herpes

  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment

Hepatitis B

  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment


  • Early symptoms
  • Potential long-term effects
  • Diagnosis & treatment

PS: Citation is very important, please cite as APA format. And please use plagia rism checker to check the text before submit.Thank you!

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M92382760
  • Price:- $25

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