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problem) The Final Project is to design a mechanical assembly in Solidworks. Design should consist of a minimum of 60 parts, 30 of which should be unique. Unique part is unlike any other part in the assembly. A Top-Down, Bottom-Up, or combination of assembly approaches can be used. 

Assembly should be realistic, or have some form of reference to gauge the design against. 

A formal, professional report will be compiled and submitted from the documents of the design. The following documents should be included in the report in the order in which they are listed below:

i. Cover page

ii. Table of contents

iii. Written description of assembly, tools/features employed to complete design, problems encountered during the design process, and lessons learned

iv. The isometric View of the completed assembly in “Shaded with Edges” display style

v. Isometric Exploded View of completed assembly in “Shaded with Edges” display style

vi. Fully detailed engineering drawing of each unique part in the assembly.

Mechanical Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Mechanical Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9168

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