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Q. What is Glycosylated Haemoglsbin?

Glycosylated haemoglobin values give important diagnostic inferences regarding the recent past of a diabetic i.e. how well he/she managed the hyperglycemin over the past few months. It is currently one of the best ways to check whether diabetes is under control or not. The higher the value the poorer has been the management. It is based upon the concept that excess blood sugar level circulating in the blood gets attached to the pigment (haemoglobin) present in the red blood cell (RBC) to make a glycosylated haemoglobin called Hb Al C, This deposit increases with the degree of diabetes. The combined glucose and haemoglobin in RBC can be estimated. This level is high in diabetics (8-18% range) as compared to normal individuals (4-7% range). The glycosylated haemoglobin reflects the trend of sugar levels in the blood during the past 2-3 months. Patients having high values should be identified as tile target groups for rigorous counseling regarding management of hyperglycemia.

It must be clear by the discussion above that these tests need not only be used for identification of new cases but also for the management of old/chronic patients. Regular Assessment of vital parameters such as renal, blood and liver function tests along with blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin can prevent or delay the onset of several complications which arise due to sustained elevated blood glucose levels. These complications may be acute or chronic in nature and need to be handled as of utmost urgency by the entire medical team. Let us brief ourselves on some of the common complications.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568005

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