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Q. What do you understand by Hypelglycemia?

Hypelglycemia (abnormally high blood sugar): Maintenance of blood glucose levels within or close to the normal range has been stressed by all medical authorities worldwide. Even with conscientious efforl there may be times when the blood sugar is high or abnormally low. Either of these two conditions left untreated can lead to serious problems. We have already learnt about low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and now let us see what can happen during hyperglycernia, ketoacidosis.

This condition occurs when there is not enough insulin to meet the body needs and the deficiency is allowed to continue uncorrected. With high sugar levels in the blood, the sugar in the urine is excreted at high levels. In addition, the body breaks down fat for energy and ketones are made: Increased production of ketones is known as ketosis and their elevated levels in blood are referred to as ketonemia. Their increased excertion in urine is referred to as ketonuria and the term ketoacidosis includes all the above motioned disorders associated with enhanced fat break down. Ketoncidosis is an extremely serious condition which can cause "Diabetic coma" or even death. The onset of ketoacidosis is gradual but when ketones are present, it is important to test for either glucose or ketones in the urine.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568013

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