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Q. What are the Chronic complications of diabetes?

• Atherosclerosis: Degeneration of walls of the arteries due to fatty plaques - deposition on arterial walls. Diabetics are more prone to myocardial infarction, stroke and deep artery blockages in extremities. Atherosclerosis is a common complication in the diabetics. Lipoproteii~ abnormalities are common in diabelies and responsible for this condition.

• Nephropathy: Changes occur in the nephrons of the kidney due to thickening of capillary basement membrane, leading to glomerulonephrosis (disease of kidneys).

• Retinopathy: Long duration diabetes with uncontrolled sugar may affect the small blood vessels of the eyes (microaogiopathy). This can result in rapid deterioration of the eyesight (retinopathy).

• Neuropathy: Lesions of peripheral nervous system (neuropathy) could cause tingling, burning or numbness in the sensation of the upper and lower limbs.

• Infections: Diabetics are also prone to various bacterial, viral and fungal infections. In diabetics, cuts and wounds heal slowly. Individuals are prone to tuberculosis, infections of the skin, urinary tract and foot. The doctor must be consulted and appropriate antibiotics taken. Foot care is most important as the common problems related to the foot are lack of circulation and neuropathy. In 5% diabetics, amputation is necessary due to negligence.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568020

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