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Q. Vitamins and minerals requirement in diabetes?

The recommendation of vitamins and minerals is the same as for general population. However, lower levels of magnesium are associated with risk of diabetes. Magnesium depletion has been associated with insulin insensitivity, which may improve with oral supplements. Chromium supplementation has been shown to exhibit beneficial effects in diabetic patients.

Mineral and over vitamins supplementation must be considered during infections and complications or situations such as extreme weight reducing diets, strict vegetarians, pregnant, lactating and elderly or those individuals who are on drugs and have malabsorption disorders and other ailments. Sodium restriction is suggested for hypertensive diabetics or those who are suffering from renal complications/oedema.

In our discussion above we learnt about the nutrient requirement, In short, we have learnt that the diabetics should avoid simple carbohydrates, use fat in limited amounts, consume less saturated fats and more polyunsaturated fats, take whole cereals and pulses in right amount, use fiber rich food in large amount, take vegetables as desired and fruits in limited amounts.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568044

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