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Q. Treatment of congestive cardiac failure?

A judicious and careful co-ordination between oxygen support, drug therapy and nutrient intake can help in alleviating majority of the symptoms associated with conges live cardiac failure thereby reducing the frequency of morbidities and mortalities associated with this disease. ACE inhibitors, diuretics, beta blockers and digitalis drugs are generally used in conjunction with dietary management and oxygen support (severe category hospitalized patients). Surgical management involves heart transplantation, cardiomyoplasty, mechanical support and dialysis. Most of these are conducted as life-saving strategies. Whatever may be the choice of treatment, it generally revolves around the following objectives.

• To provide relief from the symptoms

• To improve the quality of life

• Prolong life by reducing, stopping or reversing left ventricular dysfunction

• To maintain adequate nutritional status.

In our subsequent discussion, we shall elaborate upon the nutrient requirements of the patients. We will also highlight some important aspects of dietary management and nutrition support that can help in the treatment1 delaying the progression of congestive cardiac failure.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567882

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