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Q. Show Risk factors of cardiovascular disease?

Various risk factors of cardiovascular disease. We will now briefly mention the causes related to hypertension.

1. Genetic factors: Currently it is be1ie;ed that there is polygenic inheritance and when environmental factors are not healthy, hypertension is precipitated.

2. Body weight and height: Hypertension increase with increase in the weight and height. Hence those who are obese have higher blood pressure values. Increase in BMI increases hypertension. A%

3. Age: Increases steeply with age. Now scientists have found shifts in BP. It is found in adolescents and the young as well.

4. Gender: Rise is greater in men Ulan women but after menopause, the difference decreases.

5. Factors that may increase reabsorption by sodium can cause hypertension.

6. Changes in rennin-angiotensin: Aldosterone system and excretion of adrenocorticoids and prolactin may affect blood pressure.

7. Hyperinsulinemia of obese may influence blood pressure susceptibility through renal sodium reabsorption and transport.

8. Dietary factors: Excess calories, fats especially saturated fat and cholesterol in large quantities can increase blood pressure. Refined carbohydrates (sugars) could have an effect but studies in humans are inconclusive. High fibre intakes are beneficial (soluble fibre). Possible role of chloride, low potassium (K) and high sodium diets is a suspect. Less calcium and magnesium in diet could cause hypertension.

9. Modern lifestyle: Sedentary life devoid of exercise, stress, smoking, tobacco intake, alcohol are pointing towards increases in blood pressure.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567815

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