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Q. Show Non-Modifiable Risk Factors for cardiovascular disease?

Age: Earlier men less than 55 years were more prone but now heart disease has caught up with a younger age-group of 30 years also. In fact, autopsy studies have indicated that the process of atherosclerosis can begin as early as at two years of age and that the sites of blockage may get predetermined in the womb of hyper-cholesterolernic women.

Alcohol: Excessive amount of alcohol is also a risk factor. Alcohol shows a positive relationship between the amount of alcohol consumed and blood pressure levels, hence it is best to avoid it or take it in moderation.

Lack of physical activity: Sedentary and un-exercised people are more prone to CVD.

Syndrome X is a cluster of conditions such as central abdominal obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia or hypertension with elevated triglycerides, decreased HDL and blood sugar abnormalitiesnall harmful for cardiovascular disease.

Plasma fibrinogen and Lipoprotein (a): Plasma fibrinogen is closely associated with blockage in the arteries due to blood clot formation. Serum lipoprotein (a) which is a genetically inherited mutant of plasminogen, is a discriminant marker of early, asymptomatic atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries and aorta of hypercholesterolernic individuals.

Psychological, social, cultural and religious factors indirectly influence the risk of cardiovascular diseases by their effects on kind of food and quantity of food consumed, cigarette and alcohol consumed. Highly competitive job stress and physical exercise, people who are impatient, workaholic (9peApersonalities) can cause greater harmful effects on the heart and its vessels.

Smoking and tobacco: Cigarette smoking and tobacco is a major independent risk factor for myocardial infarction and cardiac failure. Coronary arlery disease has been seen in 80% of the smokers. Inhaling nicotine, carbon monoxide and various other pollutants narrow the coronary arteries thus reducing the blood flow to the heart muscle. It deserves special attention in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

In the discussion above we have highlighted the most common risk factors which are associated with heart diseases. It would be good to note here that newer risk factors are being identified every day. Risk factors such as viral infections, low birth weight and blood homocystiene levels are currently being investigated to understand the high prevalence rate in the urban poor of the developing nations and the early onset of CI-ID.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567752

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