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Q. Prevalence of coronaru heart diseases?

Incidence of obesity, diabetes and CHD is increasing in India in almost all age groups. At present, obesity, which is a major risk factor for hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis, is present in 14% of the rural and 27% of urban population. This is so because urbari population is more prosperous, lead a sedentary lifestyle and generally prefer consuming refined foodstuffs. Hypertension (high blood pressure) - a risk factor for IHD is prevalent in 5% rural and 515% urban population. Similar is the situation with diabetes mellitus, which is closely associated with cardio-myopathies (diseases of cardiac muscles) such as congestive heart failure.

But why is the incidence of coronary heart diseases increasing at a rapid rate every year? Are there any factors, which may predispose Asians particularly Indians to an early onset of heart diseases? Let us read further to learn about the causative factors associated with the development of heart diseases in various age groups.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567744

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