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Q. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids required for dyslipidemia?

These are also liquid at room temperature.

There are two main types of dietary PUFA's of significance:

a) linoleic acids (LAJn-6) present in good amounts in safflower, sunflower, corn and sesame oil.

b) Alpha linolenic (ALNA/n-3) fish oils, to some extent olive oil, mustard and rapeseed oil.

The ratio of n-6:n-3 between 5-10 is considered healthy. This can be obtained by using a mixture of two oils. Combination of safflower, corn, sunflower or sesame oil (rich in n-6) with equal portions of mustard oil or rapeseed oil (rich source of 11-3) can give a ratio between5-10. This is not artherogenic and hence healthy for the heart. Fish oils and fish also contain n-3 and are beneficial for the heart as they decrease plasma triglycerides.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567778

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