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Q. Nature of disease?

Education is very important for diabetics because it is a lifelong disorder. In order to enable the patient to lead a healthy and a good quality Life free from complications, the diabetics must be educated sufficiently in the areas given below:

• The nature of disease.

• Its acute and chronic complications, (consequences of negligence).

• Self monitoring at regular interval for sugar (urine and blood) and serum lipids or any weight alterations and importance of weight maintenance.

• Adequate information on the diet (foods restricted, foods given in the moderation and free foods, concept of food exchanges glycemic index and planning meals).

• Knowledge about insulin and drugs in relation to carbohydrates.

• Importance of management by Diet, drugs and exercise.

• Sick day guidelines

• Clarification of common food fads and misbeliefs.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568107

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