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Q. Explain Uristix Benedicts test?

No sugar/glucose is excreted in the urine in normal individuals. In diabetics, glucose is excreted by the kidneys when the blood sugar levels are more than 180 mg /dl. This is known as the renal threshold. Varying amounts of glucose is found in the urine depending on the severity of diabetes and also the intake of carbohydrates. This test is not as reliable as the blood sugar test since reducing sugars such as lactose (in lactating women) can give a positive test which is not related to diabetes.

Today, commercially diagnostic strips (uristix) are available with the chemists. The strip is dipped in the urine and the colour change on the strip indicates the sugar level in the urine. Another method of checking sugar in the urine is called the Benedict's test. In this test, eight drops of urine and 5 ml of Benedict's solution are taken in a test tube, mixed and heated for 5 minutes. Change of colour indicates sugar in the urine. Self monitoring by this method can be done several times if diabetes is severe (blood sugar levels at 180 mg, or more per 100 dl). It is better to carry the test in the morning in the second urine sample. Urinary sample will more or less reflect the blood sugar level.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568003

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