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Q. Explain nutrient requirements during hypertension?

In order to meet the above objectives, we need to understand the nutrient requirements during hypertension. Let us start with the calorie requirements.

Energy: Calorie requirement should be based on the concept of maintaining an ideal body weight. Excess calories through fats and carbohydrates have to be reduced so that the weight is maintained.

Proteins: Abnormal protein intake is recommended. Protein should contribute 15-20% of the total energy needs. Excess non-vegetarian foods especially red meat and egg yolks could be avoided as it has greater proportion of saturated fatty acids.

Fats: The fats incorporated in the diet should be rich in unsaturated fatty acids and should not provide more than 20% of the total energy (refer dietary management of dyslipidemia for details).

Carbohydrates: About 60-65% energy should be provided from carbohydrates which are polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) rather than simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides).

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567821

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