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Q. Explain about Low blood sugar?

Low blood sugar can also be caused by accidentally taking too much of insulin. When this occurs, more insulin is present in the body than needed. The extra insulin works on glucose (sugar) already in the blood resulting in abnormally low blood sugar. The symptoms of low blood sugar are called 'insulin reactions' or hypoglycemia'. These reactions appear suddenly and must be treated immediately.

Symptoms appearing first are shakiness, nervousness, sweating, dizziness, weakness, irritability and hunger. Symptoms that develop further but slowly are crying, anger, drowsiness, confusion, staggered gait, inability to complete work, blurred vision and headache.

If the above are not treated immediately, more serious symptoms may eventually develop. These are increased confusion, delirium, convulsions and unconsciousness. If the individual is conscious, encourage him/her to eat a fast acting carbohydrate, such as sugar, honey, sweet or a chocolate and coca cola. Stop all activity and allow resting for 10-15 minutes.

The glucose in the food should raise the blood sugar levels quickly. If not, try the second time. If unconscious, a friend, a family member should come to the rescue. The individual may need an injection of glucagon (glucagon is n hormone like insulin but produced by the alpha cells of islets of Langerhans and the pancreas). ‘It has an action opposite to that of insulin as it increases blood sugar.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568011

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