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Q. Etiologic factor of diabetes?

The precise etiology of diabetes is not known but multiple factors contribute to the disorder. These are reviewed herewith.

Type I Diabetes: Factors contributing to the disease are both genetic and environmental.

Type II diabetes: Besides some of the above genetic and environmental factors, imbalance of hormones can cause this type of diabetes many of these hormones may be insulin antagonist. These hormones include:

• Growth Hormone: About 1/3rd of diabetics have been shown to have excess growth hormone.

• Adrenocortical Hormone: Cortisol and corticosteroids lead to an increased protein breakdown and inhibit sugar utilization by the tissues, thus increasing blood sugar levels.

• Adrenaline: This hormone increases the breakdown of glycogen (the storage form of glucose) in the liver. It also suppresses the insulin secretion thus increasing the blood sugar level.

• Thyroid hormone: Excess thyroid hormone aggravates diabetes.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567992

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