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Q. Etiologic factor of atherosclerosis?

Various factors are responsible for atherosclerosis. These include:

1. Hyperlipidemin: Excess circulating fats in blood especially the low density lipoprotein (LDL) and low levels of high density lipoprotein (FlDL) can predispose to atherosclerosis.

2. Hypertension: HT can accelerate atherosclerosis and cause complications.

3. Diabetes mellitus: An important risk factor commonly associated with hypertension, ue to abnormalities of coagulation, platelet adhesion and aggregation, increased oxidative stress, and abnormalities in vessel vasomotion can be a high risk for atherosclerosis.

4. Obesity: Excessive triglycerides (hyperglyceridemia) and LDL c levels ore commonly present in obese and lower HDL levels are a great independent risk factors 'for atherosclerosis. IF

5. Lifestyle: Low physical activity, cigarette smoking could affect the rate of atherosclerosis, increased CAD risk, On the other hand, regular exercise is seen lo be protective.

6. Factors causing endothelial damage: Elevated blood homocysteine a (genetically determined) and viral infections of lungs could damage the endothelial and cause injury and hence lead to atherosclerosis.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567797

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