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Q. Energy during myocardial infarction?

As mentioned above, patient who have recently suffered from an attack of myocardial infarction are hospitalized in the intensive cardiac care unit wherein their movement is strictly restricted and they generally are advised not to socialize a lot. Thus, the energy expenditure on physical activity is very low or negligible. The diet should therefore provide enough calories to meet the basal requirements, hence a low-calorie diet is recommended. Other benefits of providing a low calorie diet include: reduction in the adipose tissue mass particularly among obese patients and hence reduced oxygen requirements of the body (tissues); reduction in the requirement of oxygen associated with ingestion, digestion and assimilation of food. The energy intake may initially begin with 800 Kcal which can be slowly progressed to a 1200 Kcal diet till the patient is discharged. Thereafter, the patient's energy intake should be governed on the maintenance of body weight which is preferably 1 to 2 kg below IBW.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567854

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