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Q. Dietary tips for hyperlipideinic patients?

It is important to note here that the dietary modifications need to be individual in each patient and these should be tailored lo the abnormalities the specific complement. Initially lipid disorders are treated by diet modification and physical exercise. After 3- 6 months, if there is no improvement then drugs are given in addition to the diet and exercise. A diet history prior to dietary changes must be assessed. The approximate intake of cholesterol, total fat, unsaturated fat, and alcohol, simple and complex carbohydrates shou1d be assessed and accordingly the subject tackled. Some dietary tips that may be of help for hyperlipideinic patients include:

- Cholesterol and fat intake could be decreased by: -

- Avoiding whole milk, cheese, curds made from whole milk. Skimmed milk or toned milk may be used.

- Organ meats (brain, liver, kidneys), egg yolks, cold meats, canned and sausages, ham, frankfurters, peanut butter should be avoided instead fish and poultry (baked and steamed) can be taken.

- Baked foods made with refined flour (maida) like cookies, patties, pastries, cakes, samosas etc. must be avoided. Whole wheat flour snacks may be encouraged.

- All fats especially butter, margarine, cream, coconut oil, hydrogenated fats must be avoided. Instead, oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (safflower, soya bean, sunflower) and monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil) may be used.

- Fresh fruits, canned or dried fruits (limited amounts) could be consumed and fruits with cream, butter, ice creams or dips avoided. Vegetables could be consumed except root vegetables in large quantities.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9567791

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