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Q. Calculate ideal weight for a diabetic patient?

We now know that diabetes is the outcome of many genetic and environmental factors. The former is not in our control but the latter can be modified. The most important rule in the prevention strategy is to maintain ideal weight. We have already learnt in Unit 9 about this concept. We can use the information given in the unit to calculate ideal weight for a diabetic patient depending on the height, gender and activity pattern. Can you not? Yes you can.

So you can prevent diabetes by encouraging the diabetic patient to:

1. Maintaining ideal body weight.

2, Avoid high sugar, salt and fat foods.

3. Take small bites and chew foods thoroughly. Eat and drink slowly.

4. Eat protein rich food at each meal.

5. Eat wisely at social gatherings and restaurants.

6. Do physical activity. Walk daily.

7. Avoid aerated and excessive alcoholic drinks.

8. Minimize use of tobacco and other harmful drugs.

9. Use artificial sweeteners if you have a 'sweet tooth'.

10. Read and educate yourself on various aspects of diabetes.

11. Avoid stress; enjoy good music, meditate and have positive attitude towards life.

In other words make life-style and behavioural changes for better health. The section above must have helped you in understanding about the overall management of diabetes.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568108

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