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Q. Alcohol consumption by diabetes patient?

Intake of alcohol should be limited. It is high in calories, lacks essential nutrients and may therefore promote ketoacidosis, hypertriglycerdemia (high triglycerides) and alcohol induced hypoglycemia (low sugar levels in the blood). Hypoglycemic drugs should never be consumed with alcohol. Patients on insulin should take not more than 2 drinks per day (one drink equals to 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, 11/, oz whisky). The composition of common alcoholic beverages. The calorie content of drinks consumed can be accordingly calculated. Total food intake should not be reduced when the patient is consuming alcohol. When calorie intake is restricted alcohol consumption should preferably be avoided. Women diabetics should abstain from alcohol during pregnancy and lactation. Here are some guidelines regarding alcohol consumption for insulin users:

1. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

2. Take not more than 2 small drinks a day.

3. Drink only with food.

4. Do not reduce food intake.

5. Restrain yourself if pregnant or lactating.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568060

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