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Population growth rates are small numbers, but they can have a significant impact on population. Let us compare three different scenarios and discuss some population growth issues.
Assume the world population at the beginning of 2015 was about 7.2 billion. If the projected 2015 average annual population growth rate for the world is 1.06% how many people will be added to the world by 2016?

If the 2015 world population grew at 0.54%, the same rate as the United Kingdom average (CIA - The World Factbook) then how many people would be added to the world by 2016?
If the world population grew at 2.11%, the same rate as the Kenya average (CIA - The World Factbook) then how many people would be added to the world by 2016?
Why do poorer societies have higher population growth rates than wealthier societies?
Why may affluence be worse for the environment than poverty?

Discuss two examples of how synthetic chemical pesticide use can create an imbalance in a natural ecosystem. Identify three major categories of alternatives to synthetic pesticides.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M91194710
  • Price:- $30

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