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Cerebral ischemia is

A.a condition characterized by cancerous brain tumors.
B.a type of cerebral hemorrhage.
C.a shortage of blood to the brain. area of brain damage.

Which of the following is a correct statement about medial temporal lobe amnesics? They often have

A.medial temporal lobe pathology. ability to form long-term semantic memories.
C.a profile of mnemonic deficits similar to that of H.M.
D.both A and C

H.M. showed no long-term retention on the

A.digit-span +1 test.
B.mirror-drawing test.
C.rotary-pursuit test.
D.incomplete pictures test.

One major difference between the amnesia associated with advanced Korsakoff's syndrome and that associated with bilateral medial temporal lobe damage is that patients with advanced Korsakoff's syndrome have

A.a retrograde amnesia that can extend back into childhood.
B.a mild retrograde amnesia for recent events.
C.deficits in consolidation.
D.anterograde amnesia.

Damage to the brains of Alzheimer's patients is often apparent in the

A.medial temporal lobe structures.
B.basal forebrain.
C.prefrontal cortex.
D.all of the above

Islands of memory following concussion are memories of

A.a few things from lists that have been otherwise forgotten. that occurred during periods of time for which there is otherwise total amnesia.
C.implicit events that occurred during a background of amnesia for explicit events. to Hawaii.

The two hemispheres, although similar in appearance, differ in function. The study of these functional differences is commonly referred to as the study of

A.bilateral representation.
B.lateralization of function.
C.the split brain.
D.fundamental functional duality.

Broca's area is in the __________ cortex.

A.left frontal
B.right frontal
C.left temporal
D.right temporal

Although the symptoms of apraxia are ________, apraxia usually results from damage to the ________ hemisphere.

A.unilateral; left
B.contralateral; right
C.ipsilateral; left
D.bilateral; left

Left-handers and right-handers are

A.dextrals and sinestrals, respectively.
B.sinestrals and dextrals, respectively.
C.more variable than androids.
D.equally lateralized with respect to language functions.

The volunteers in the first experiments performed on split-brain humans had

A.suffered from severe cases of epilepsy.
B.their corpus callosums severed.
C.their optic chiasms severed.
D.both A and B

The left hemisphere plays a greater role in controlling the left hand than does in controlling the right hand.
B.the right hemisphere does in controlling the left hand.
C.the right hemisphere does in controlling the right hand.
D.all of the above  

Science, Academics

  • Category:- Science
  • Reference No.:- M949056

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