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Mobile Alarm System

The students are asked to build PICIS MCU-based embedded conununication system. The system will automatically call the cell phone number of the owner of a shop if a burglar is detected dying to break into the shop. At the same tune the system will start a siren to scare the burglar.

A sensor circuit must be designed to detect the burglar break into attempt. A GSM kit will be interfaced with the microcontroller to call the number. The system should record and display/send the time of break-in incidence.

Propose design concept: Each group will submit their conceptual design which consists of: description of how to address the project statement (block diagram/schematics). capture of specifications. bill of material (BOM) (with justification of selection). and tasks of each group member (who will do what). The students are encouraged to use all available resources and expertise. At this stage. the students should discuss their ideas with instructors as often as possible to resolve any potential implementation problems. Conceptual Design Report (maximum 3 pages) should be submitted on March 25, 2015. In this report. the groups should discuss the main specifications and how they were handled in their design. The course instructors will review the Conceptual Design Report and discussed it with each group. The design will be refined accordingly (if needed) and the groups will be given -go-ahead" by the instructors to proceed for implementation.

Implement the proposed design: The groups will implement their design and document it along with all test results. The students are responsible for discussing any problems that may arise during implementation with the course instructors and aggressively pursue resolutions. A Project Report should be submitted on April 27, 2015 including final schematics. final BOM. simulation results. flow charts and codes.

Present the work: Each group will be given 10 minutes during class time on May 4, 2015 to present their system and design. Students will be requested to discuss and critique other groups' solutions.

Demonstrate the functionality: Each group will be required to demonstrate the functionality of their system during the scheduled lab session on :Slay 7, 2015. Each group will be responsible to prepare the needed demo material and reserve their time slot with the lab instructor.

Electrical & Electronics, Engineering

  • Category:- Electrical & Electronics
  • Reference No.:- M91225850
  • Price:- $60

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