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Mechanisms of Change and the Fossil Record

You learned about the negative impact of economic growth and human utilization of resources that can lead to global climate change and extinction. In your Case Assignment, you reviewed many pieces of evidence and developed your own conclusions about the relationship between human activities and global climate change. Now review the conclusions that have been drawn by NASA regarding this information at

Part I: A Closer Look at the Evidence

For the first part of this assignment, answer these questions using the NASA website:

Describe the graph on the NASA website. What does it show us about the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere? According to the following site (the United Kingdom's National Meteorological Service), what recent event contributed to the rising carbon dioxide levels?

The supporting data on climate change are grouped into different categories on the NASA website. How are these groups labeled? Is there agreement on these categories between the NASA website and the UK website

( If not, how do they differ?

Select the "Effects" tab at the top of this webpage. Summarize the effects of climate change listed here in one paragraph. Be sure to address the effect of climate change on our weather and water resources.

Part II: How Can Economic Growth Become Part of the Solution?

Read this article from the Economist: The outlook: Averting the sixth extinction.
In paragraph format, answer the following questions regarding economic growth and climate change discussed in this article. One paragraph should be sufficient.

How does economic growth negatively impact other species?

What is described as the principal threat to biodiversity as the global economy and human population grows?

Is economic growth necessarily bad for our planet? What points suggest that economic growth can benefit biodiversity?

Conclude your paragraph with 1-3 sentences that draw connections between economic growth, climate change, habitat loss, and biodiversity.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Organize this assignment using Part I and Part II, with a brief description as subtitles. Answer each question under the subtitle, using complete sentences that relate back to the question. For example, Question 1 should be organized this way:

Part I: Geologic History of Earth

Be sure to include a references section in APA format at the end of your assignment that lists the websites used above and any additional resources you used to research your answers.

Science, Academics

  • Category:- Science
  • Reference No.:- M92175972
  • Price:- $40

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