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For this assignment you will be required to collate and complete a series of small tasks that are associated with your seminars. Each of the seminars introduces you to various aspects of the CAE and FEA process. At the conclusion of most seminars, there will be subsequent task(s) for you to complete independently. You will be required to have completed the seminar as per the seminar guide in order to successfully complete this assessment task.

These additional tasks will:
- ensure you are able to successfully complete the assigned seminars, which are vital in helping you do well in your assignments;
- test your understanding of the theory and application of material covered in the classes/seminars;
- enhance your capability in using the ANSYS/MS Excel software for FEA;
- ensure you follow the appropriate steps in tackling an engineering design project;
- improve your digital literacy skills;
- provide you with a collation of work covered outside of the core assessment tasks.

Collation of the ePortfolio

The additional tasks are to be collated into a single document. You should submit an initial version for assessment during the trimester that will include all tasks given up to Week 3, and a final version at the end of the Trimester that will include all tasks up to Week 9. The submissions are made via the associated CloudDeakin assignment folder. The tasks will involve you performing various tasks using the software, some basic hand calculations, and short answers. You will be required to compile the information in a structured, clear and concise manner. You will need to use screen shots, embed images and provide textual discussion for the various tasks.

Cantilever Beam Model - ANSYS Mechanical

ePortfolio Tasks

Part -1:

Complete the following tasks and collate them in your ePortfolio in a structured manner (you can choose to include snapshots and a description of the task followed by the answers to the questions bellow):

- What is the maximum stress in the beam of the current design?

- Modify the cross section of the beam, reducing the volume of material required, such that a safety factor of 1.2 is guaranteed (assuming the same yield strength 250 MPa). Show your design change and the results for the deflection and safety factor of your altered design.

Part -2:

Complete the following tasks and collate them in a structured manner in your ePortfolio:

(You can choose to include screenshots and a basic description of the task and then answer the questions below)

Answer the following questions on your group CAE Design Project Assignment:

• Together with your team, did you meet and draw a strategy for completion of your assignment?*

o If so, what does it consist of? Did you assign individual tasks to each member? How so?

• Have you defined the design specifications and requirements? Write a short Design Brief / Problem Formulation. (no more than 250 words)

Off-campus students working alone: "Have you drawn a strategy for completion of your assignment?

Part -3:

Complete the following tasks and collate them in a structured manner in your ePortfolio: 

(You can choose to include screen shots and a basic description of the task and then answer the questions below)

Run the Cantilever Beam problem analysis given in the first seminar using (i) beam elements and (ii) solid elements (without modifying the original cross-section of the beam). And answer the following questions:

-What is the maximum deflection at the free end of the beam in the two analysis?
o What could be reasons for the difference?

  -What is the maximum stress in each model?
o What could be the reasons for the difference?

- For a problem like this, which element makes more sense to use and why?

Mechanical Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Mechanical Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92373350
  • Price:- $40

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