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Genetically modified foods (GM foods) and plants are created to help increase the yield of the plant, to help fend off insect attackers, or even to make them resistant to weed killing chemicals. In this way GM foods can be very beneficial to both farmers and consumers as this might help decrease the price of fruits and vegetables as growing them becomes easier.

There is also concern that GM foods might cause serious side effects to the humans that consume them and all other plants and animals that reside near them. In fact a study from 1999 showed that monarch butterfly larvae were killed by GM corn pollen that was altered to fend off other insects. 

Task: After doing some research on the topic of GM foods, do you support the development and use of GM foods for general human consumption? If so, why? If not, are there other things that GM foods and plants should be used for? Be sure to cite your resources.

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M92382863
  • Price:- $10

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