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Four identical low carbon steel specimens are tested in a planned interval testing program in an acid solution. All the specimens have the same exposed area of 2 cm2 that corrodes. The first specimen is exposed for 12 hr in an acid solution and loses 25 mg. The second is exposed for 108 hr and loses 130 mg. The third specimen is exposed for 120 hr and loses 150 mg. The fourth is inserted in the solution when the second is removed and shows a weight loss of 15 mg after removal with the third specimen. a. What is the effect of time on the solution corrosiveness and the specimen corrodibility? Show how you worked out the answer. b. Calculate the average corrosion rate CPR in mm/yr for the third specimen and the corresponding corrosion current density. If you based the corrosion life prediction on this CPR value only (instead of conducting the planned interval tests), would you make an error in estimating the life of the structure? Briefly explain your answer. Additional data Atomic weight of iron, Fe = 56g/mol Density of Fe = 7.9g/cm3

Mechanical Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Mechanical Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91115436

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