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Explain Gelation - Function of proteins

Gelation  refers to the process where denatured molecules aggregate to form an ordered protein network. Proteins  can form a well-ordered gel matrix by balancing protein-protein  and protein-solvent interactions in food products. These gel matrices  can  hold other food ingredients  in producing food products, like gelatin, yoghurt, comminuted  meat products, tofu and bread doughs.

Gelation  is an important functional property of several  proteins that  plays  a  major  role in preparation  of  many  foods,  including various  dairy  products,  coagulated egg  whites,   gelatin  gels, various   heated,  comminuted  meat or fish  products,  soy  bean protein  gels,  vegetable  proteins  texturized  by  extrusion  or spinning and bread doughs. Protein gelation is utilized not only for  the  formation of viscoelastic gels but also for improved water and fat absorption, thickening, particle binding (adhesion) and emulsion or foam stabilizing effect.


Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M9568264

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