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-Key terms

- How do enzymes function to "speed up chemical reactions"? Use the terms substrate, product, reactant, catalyze, activation energy in your answer.

-Distinguish between catabolic and anabolic reactions.

-Describe and relate the two laws of thermodynamics to what goes on inside and outside of the cell.

-Describe how different forms of energy are converted in a cell.

-What does it mean when we say that reactions are spontaneous?

-Distinguish between oxidation and reduction? Be able to look at equations and see what is oxidized/reduced (if any).

-Describe the factors that control Gibb's free energy change. Know the equation.

-Describe energetically favorable/unfavorable reactions in terms of Gibb's free energy

-How do you get an unfavorable chemical reactions going?

-Describe the association rate and dissociation rate in terms of reactants and products. What factor(s) control these rates?

-Describe Vmax and Km in terms of enzyme and substrate

-Be able to use the Lineweaver-Burk equation to determine Vmax and Km

-Distinguish between competitive vs noncompetitive inhibitors

-How do these inhibitors affect Vmax and Km?

-What are the common activated carrriers? How do they work in terms of carrying energy?(Hint: What atom carries the "source of energy"?

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M92493277
  • Price:- $30

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