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Anthropology Mini Essays

Essay Questions

You can best prepare for the essay question by writing out your answer to each one and practicing it as you study. An added benefit of doing this is that you will also be reviewing key concepts that will be useful for the rest of the exam.

1. Darwin originally believed that natural selection could not be seen in action. Today we know this is not the case. Explain one specific example of natural selection in action discussed in course materials. In order to completely address this question, you must include a clear description of how natural selection works and how the example illustrates natural selection. Be sure to choose an example with enough information to completely address the question. 2-3 substantial paragraphs.

2. Evolutionary theory predicts that deleterious conditions will be selected out of populations and, therefore, occur at a very low rate. However, certain genetic diseases are more common in some populations than others and natural selection can explain this variation. Using Tay-Sachs or sickle-cell anemia as your example, explain why these diseases are more common in some populations than others. Be specific. 2-3 substantial paragraphs.

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  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M92369667
  • Price:- $85

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