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1. What factors determine the size of waves? If a wind is blowing from west to east across Lake Michigan, would the waves be higher on the east or the west side of the lake? Why? How would the waves be different on Lake Michigan if the wind were to blow from North to South?


2. The following questions refer to the diagrams below:

a. A tidal record for Cherry Point, Washington.


a. What type of tide is indicated? _______________________________

b. On June 27, what is the maximum tidal range? ______________________

c, June 26 was the date for the 1st quarter moon.

When would you expect the next Spring tide? ____________________________

d. Is this type of tide typical for the west coast of the United States? Explain.

The following questions refer to the diagram below, which shows a tidal record for Ship Island, Mississippi sound, Mississippi


e. What type of tide is indicated? _______________________________

f. On April 17, what is the maximum tidal range? ______________________

g. April 16 was the date for the 1st quarter moon.

On what date would you expect the next Neap tide? _____________________________

4. The following questions refer to the diagram below.



a. What type of coastal feature is indicated at point A. How does it form?
b. In which direction is the longshore current moving along this coastal region? How do you
c What are the engineering features indicated at point B and C. What is the purpose of each?
How successful is each of these features in meeting such a purpose?

5. What forces are involved in driving thermohaline circulation (deepwater currents) and geostrophic currents (surface currents. Describe one way in which each of these types of currents affect life (or biological productivity) in the oceans.

6. In your own words describe the mechanism responsible for determiningatmospheric temperature. What is the role of Greenhouse gases in this mechanism.

7. What are the meteorological roles of atmospheric dust? Describe how dust affects
global climate.

8. In your own words, briefly describe the causes of the seasons.

9. Why are plastics such a problem in marine waters?

10. Consider a parcel of unsaturated air at 25 °C at sea level that has a water vapor content 5 g/kg. What is the relative humidity of the parcel of air at sea level? It's Dew Point?

11. Why are beaches called "rivers of sand"? Describe the mechanism that causes this "River" to flow along the coast.

12. Compare primary productivity of polar, temperate and tropical regions of the oceans. What factors limit productivity in each region?

13. Explain three differences between primary and secondary productivity in the ocean.
Discuss how does photosynthesis and chemosynthesis play a role in these processes?

14. How can heat be transferred from place to place in the ocean? Why is this heat transfer ignored when considering the world's total heat budget?

15. Compare and contrast the origins and environmental impacts of ground level ozone and stratospheric ozone.

Extra Credit.

1. A frictionless projectile is fired from the North Pole and is aimed along the prime meridian. It takes six hours to reach its landing point, halfway to the equator. Where does it land? (Give latitude and longitude). If the same projectile were fired from the South Pole under the same circumstances, where does it land? (Give latitude and longitude). Explain.

2. How might the Earth's climates system be affected if the Earth's axis of rotation were perpendicular to the plane of its orbit instead of being inclined at 23 ½ degrees?

Science, Academics

  • Category:- Science
  • Reference No.:- M92374618
  • Price:- $50

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