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1. The table below gives the genotypes (with respect to the lac operon) of several partial diploid E. coli strains. Fill in the phenotypes, using a "+" for ?-galactosidase synthesis (lacZ gene) and "-" for no ?-galactosidase synthesis. Glucose is absent in all cases. Give a brief explanation of your reasoning.
Phenotype for ?-galactosidase production
Genotype No inducer Inducer

  • I+ O+ Z+ / I+ O+ Z+ 
  • I+ O+ Z- / I+ O+ Z+ 
  • I- O+ Z+ / I+ O+ Z+ 
  • Is O+ Z+ / I+ O+ Z+ - -
  • I+ Oc Z+ / I+ O+ Z+ 
  • I+ Oc Z- / I+ O+ Z+ 
  • Is Oc Z+ / I+ O+ Z+

Biology, Academics

  • Category:- Biology
  • Reference No.:- M998506

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