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Your pet bats, Joe, Bob and Curly love coffee. unfortunately, after their Saturday morning cups of coffee, you are horrified to learn that the coffee is laced with radioactive isotope Y. Opening the window to let in some air 1 day later, two of your bats (Bob and Curly) escape, only to become a snack for your neighbour’s pet falcon (who loves coffee drinking bats.) By the time you shoot the falcon 3.00 days later, you measure a total body count of 1,050,000 Bq, which is almost the similar count rate at the similar time for Joe (1,000,000 Bq). 1 Bq = 1Becquerel = 1 disintegration per second. Joe drank 4 cups of coffee, Bob drank 2 cups of coffee, Curly drank 3 cups of coffee, the physical half-life of radionuclide Y is 5.00 days, and the effective half-life in the falcon is 3.00 days.

1. What was the initial activity of a14-cup pot of coffee?

2. What is the biological half-life of this isotope in the bat?


3. What is the biological half-life of this isotope in the falcon?

Physics, Academics

  • Category:- Physics
  • Reference No.:- M91191135

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