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Written assessment (there are seven questions in this assignment, answer FIVE questions ONLY. 10 marks each. Each essay must contain approximately 500 words).

1. Online learning is not only convenient for learners and tutors but often more effective than traditional classroom instruction.

Explain why do you agree or disagree with this observation.

2. As our access to technology increases worldwide, there is an increase in the need to learn English. Now more and more people are taking to social media sites to do their research, to answer their pertinent questions and to learn English.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning English on the Internet compared with learning English in class?

3. Research has shown that a short afternoon nap can promote physical well-being and improve mood and memory.

Explain why do you support or oppose a proposal to adjust schedules so that napping will be encouraged at schools or workplaces, even if this means a longer work day.

4. Peer pressure can influence thoughts as well as actions.

Discuss the pros and cons of peer pressure in self-development.

5. Cigarettes kill more people than cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and all other illegal drugs combined. When we analyse the harm from drugs, there is no doubt that cigarettes are the worst. Therefore, cigarettes and other tobacco products should be outlawed. Present your arguments.

6. For many individuals in this modern era, the obligations of work and managing a household significantly limit the amount of time that can be spent caring for an elderly parents. Caring for the elderly parents requires a great deal of time and energy. Therefore care homes, nursing homes and old folks homes are the alternatives.
Is it ethical to put our elderly parent / parents in a nursing homes / old folks homes? Discuss.

7. How has education contributed to what you are today?

Discuss and support your viewpoint with specific details from your knowledge and experience.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92370602
  • Price:- $30

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