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Walter Cronkite: Cronkite became famous beeing the TV news anchor of "The CBS Evening News" (1962-1981). He could famously end each evening's broadcast, with the words centimeter.and that's the way it is". Cronkite was crowned the most famous news anchor in the USA, becoming "the most trusted man in America".

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This game actually the game went into double overtime and the Boston Celtics eventually won the game and swept the series, but not before Jordan scorched these types of the tune of 63 points, which set a certain game record for the most points in a playoff event.

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How much a point is worth depends regarding how likely sport is to land on that placement. The best evidence to use in estimating this probability is generally historical data for that sport. When you in order to be know just how much better Over 187.5 is than Over 188 for the Bulls-Knicks game, you'd want to find out how often exactly 188 points are scored in NBA card games. In fact, within that data you'd probably want to look only at games with lines close to 188, or at worst give those games more weight, because you're really not so curious about how often games projected to score 220 or 230 land on 188.

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Math, Academics

  • Category:- Math
  • Reference No.:- M91388759

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