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Use the Born-Haber cycle to determine the lattice energy (in kJ/mol) of LiCl, given the following thermochemical data:

(1) Li(s) --> Li(g) ΔH1=155.2 kJ/mol (heat of sublimation of Li)

(2) Cl2(g) --> 2Cl(g) ΔH2=242.8 kJ/mol (dissociation energy of gaseous Cl2)

(3) Li(g) --> Li+(g) + e- ΔH3=520 kJ/mol (first ionization energy of Li)

(4) Cl(g) + e- --> Cl-(g) ΔH4=-349 kJ/mol (electron affinity of Cl)

(5) Li(s) + 1/2Cl2(g) --> LiCl(s) ΔH5=-408.3 kJ/mol (heat of formation of solid LiCl)

Chemistry, Academics

  • Category:- Chemistry
  • Reference No.:- M91183821
  • Price:- $22

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