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Two Divergent Ethical Foundations

1. There are several different bases for morality or deciding what is right and wrong: consequences, individual rights, moral duties, and virtues. Each of these bases for morality is grounded in one (or more) of the philosophers discussed in Lecture 2. Basing moral decisions on consequences can be divided into two separate principles: egoism and utility. Goree describes both these principles and gives the strengths and weaknesses of them on page 18-19. Goree also describes morality based on individual rights (pg. 19), duties (p. 20-21), and virtues (pg. 21-22). Apply Goree's interpretation of the bases for making moral decisions using each of the bases (consequences, individual rights, moral duties, virtues) in the following scenario. Include in your response the philosopher from which the base of morality comes, the strengths and weaknesses of the base, and how the basis applies to the case. 

Scenario: John has been asked by his firm to appear in an ad for the firm's new promotional brochure. He has been ordered to appear in the ad seated in a wheelchair. There are no disabled individuals working in the firm. John is not disabled in anyway. What should John do?

History, Academics

  • Category:- History
  • Reference No.:- M92429145
  • Price:- $10

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