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Topic- Should employers be able to fire or discipline employees for what they say or do online? Why or why not?

You need do 3 steps,please give me three word files name:W1,W2,W3

W1 -- Three sentences: one thesis sentence and two topic or reason sentences. You will not include any quotations in these three statements.

W2 -- Two body paragraphs: each body paragraph will begin with one of the topic sentences you identified in W1. The paragraph that follows the topic sentence will provide support for the statement.

W3 -- A complete four-paragraph essay: an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

W3 should be approximately 750 words in length and include the following:

A title, which reflects both the topic and your thesis Four (and only four) paragraphs:

  • an introductory paragraph that ends with an underlined thesis statement
  • two body/support paragraphs that begin with an underlined topic sentence
  • a concluding paragraph

At least two authoritative, credible online sources of support, which are cited in the text and included on a Works Cited or Reference page. The sources must be correctly formatted using either MLA or APA style.


English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92375542
  • Price:- $40

Priced at Now at $40, Verified Solution

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