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The planning of technical and scientific documents is essential for clear and concise communication.

Keeping audience and purpose in mind, the writer must generate ideas about a chosen topic, and then organize those ideas in the form of a working outline, while also researching additional information and understanding its place in the overall project at hand.

For this assignment, using the topic you chose in Week One, create (1) an outline and (2) an annotated bibliography that will form the structural and research foundation for the Final Project that is due in Week Five.

Page 45 of Technical Communication offers clustering and branch-diagram techniques for developing supporting ideas around a main topic. You are encouraged to explore these techniques. You will then organize those ideas in the form of a working outline.

Outline steps:

Review the sample outline in this week's required resource:

Matthes, K. (2015). Outline form.

Develop a one- to two-page outline of your chosen topic and associated ideas or sub-topics. Your outline should be formatted as either alphanumeric, full-sentence, or decimal. Be sure to include a working thesis statement in your outline.

While this version of your thesis will surely change during the drafting process, your thesis for this assignment should provide clear direction for your outline's supporting points.

Be sure to include all of the information illustrated on the sample Outline. This includes a well-written thesis statement, related topic sentences, and significant supporting information for each topic.

Regarding research and the development of an annotated bibliography, the author of Technical Communication states on page 46: "Once you have a good idea of what you already know about your topic, you need to obtain the rest of the information you will need. You can find and evaluate what other people have already written by reading reference books, scholarly books, articles, [and] Web sites."

Immediately following the outline, and in the same document, include an annotated bibliography of no less than 10 entries.

Annotated bibliography steps:

Review this resource from Cornell University:

Cornell University Library. (2014, May 1). How to prepare an annotated bibliography

Also review:

Ashford Writing Center. (n.d.). Sample annotated bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Develop your Annotated Bibliography of sources that you believe will support the purpose of your Final Project. At least seven of these sources should originate from the Ashford University Library databases.

Each source entry should contain two thoroughly-written paragraphs. One paragraph should effectively summarize the source's major claims. The other paragraph should thoroughly describe how the information will be utilized in the Final Project.

Your Annotated Bibliography must contain full citations in APA format.

Following each full citation and employing full sentences, include a descriptive and critical assessment of each entry.

Avoid using first- and second-person pronouns.

Rather, refer to the author in your descriptive and critical assessment of the author's ideas. You should maintain a formal tone throughout each entry.

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English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92367756
  • Price:- $50

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