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The following paragraph is from "How to profect your Identity" by Brian O'Conell. It was originally published on the Web site on February 10, 2009. This website was accessed on December 14, 2009.

Act fast: The key is to get out in front of the problem as soon as possible-before heavier damage can be done. "Oftentimes thieves will use your credit card data to commit nonfinancial identity theft crimes which become much larger problems," says Justin Yurek, president of Denver-based "As thieves begin to truly clone your identity, they can move from buying itmes in your name, or obtaining medical services in your name. Unlike a thief fraudulently purchasing products in your name, there is no easy reversal for these crimes, and the consequences to the civtim are much more severe."

A) Justin yorek of explains that identity thieves commit both financial crimes and nonfinancial cirmes, all of which can have eqully serious consequences for the civtims.

B) An expert at says that it is very difficult to undo the damage caused by identity theft.

C)'s president warns the public that the more serious risks of identity theft are not necessarily the most obvious ones, so it is critical to control the damage as quickly as possible.

D) An identity thief can cause the victim difficulties in a variety of ways, accourding to Justin Yorek.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91178698

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