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Spend 5 hours observing and interviewing a certified teacher in grades 1-8 about the teacher's classroom management plan, the school's behavior expectations for students, the school's behavior management program, and how these expectations are apparent across the campus and in the classroom.

Your interview questions and observation should probe:

1. The type, number, and degree to which the expectations are stated in positive language and the rationales for these expectations.

2. The forms and locations in which the expectations are posted on the school grounds and in the classroom.

3. How expectations are initially taught, reinforced, and monitored school-wide and at the individual classroom level for students who start the academic year at the school site or later in the year.

4. When differentiation is appropriate for teaching and reinforcing those expectations, including examples of that differentiation.

5. How classroom and school-wide behavioral expectations are communicated to students and families.

6. The teacher's reflections on the overall degree of effectiveness of her or his classroom management plan.

7. Recommendations for change of the classroom's management plan based on personal experiences.

8. Ask additional questions as appropriate. Retain a copy of the questions asked and responses received.

After the interview and observations, complete the following tasks in 250-500 words:

Summarize what you found from your interview and observations;

Draw conclusions from your summary;

Apply the conclusions you have drawn to your practices as a future educator.


1. Questions are consistent with the assignment which prompted clear responses and information and the additional questions probed more deeply into key concepts.

2. Summary thoroughly describes responses from the interviews.

3. Conclusions drawn from the interview are well-developed.

4. Application of conclusions drawn from the interview reflect growth and development as a professional with an awareness of the needs of students, parents, and community.

In a separate document:

For this assignment, use the same grade level you selected in Topic 2 and the "Class Profile."

In a 250-300 word essay, create your own rules, consequences, and rewards system by doing the following:

Choose or create your own set of 3-5 rules with consequences for your future classroom.

Research various models of consequence ladders and choose one or create your own based on your research.

Describe where and how you will document the consequences.

Choose or create your own reward system.

Describe where and how you will document the rewards.

Include a minimum of three scholarly references.

Attachment:- profile of class.rar

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92367691
  • Price:- $50

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