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Singly ionized helium He+ is hydrogenlike. (a) Construct a carefully scaled energy level diagram for He+, showing the levels for n=1, 2,3,4,5, and 8. (b) What is the ionization energy of He+? (c) Compute the difference in wavelength between each of the first two lines of the Lyman series of Hydrogen and the first two lines of the He+ Balmer series. Note: this means calculate a total of 4 differences. Be sure to include the reduced mass correction for both atoms. (d) Show that for every spectral line of Hydrogen, He+ has a spectral line of very nearly the same wavelength. (Mass of He+=6.65×10-27 kg.)

Physics, Academics

  • Category:- Physics
  • Reference No.:- M91182984
  • Price:- $12

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