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How do businesses develop brand loyalty in the 21st century?

Kaye, D. (n.d.). 3 Secrets to Building Brand Loyalty.

According to Kaye, "In an era when a tweet or a bad Yelp review can tarnish your brand--and sales--you have to focus more on the customer experience. Wowing the customer will bring you brand loyalty".

How JetBlue's Marketing Promotes Trust and Loyalty. (2016, August 24).

According to this website;

I quote, "When it comes to effective marketing, advertisers obviously want to share their message with the world. But to build trust and encourage brand loyalty, companies must also address the messages they receive from customers. Trust and loyalty are a two-way street. Both parties must listen to one another if they want the relationship to continue. Brand messages mean nothing if companies neglect to respond to their customers' concerns".

I looked JetBlue on how its willingness to adapt to the needs of its customers is an important process in gaining brand loyalty.

Gunelius, S. (n.d.). Building Brand Loyalty - Part 1: What Is Brand Loyalty and Why Your Brand Needs It.

Pratap, A. (2017, September 24). What is brand loyalty- How to build it?

Stanat, R. (2017, April 7). Brand Management in the 21st Century - Trends and Issues.

Gunelius, S. (n.d.). Building Brand Loyalty - Part 1: What Is Brand Loyalty and Why Your Brand Needs It.

This article describes the emotional connection that the customer develops and the difference from repeat buying and actual brand loyalty.

Aaker, D., & Marcum, A. (2017, January 1). The Drivers of Brand Loyalty May Surprise You.

Challenges faced today by business establishing and maintaining a loyal customer base.


Implementing business tactics that prioritize customer satisfaction while providing an efficient customer support would without question establish the right environment for brand recognition and brand loyalty.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92484246

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