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Research Project:

Choose a terrorist group that is a threat to the United States' homeland security. Analyze the group's capability regionally and globally as well as the threat it poses to the United States' homeland security in the 21st century.

What is the group's threat to stabilization of the region of the group's home base?

What recommendations would you make to the Secretary of Homeland Security for improving the United States' response to your group?

What are the most significant challenges in emergency response towards your group?

Can the United States establish a dialog with your group?

What are the risks? What are the advantages?

In addition as you choose/work your Research Project consider:

1. Look for something that is not already over researched by now unless you have a unique angle. As you know everyone writes about ISIS. Do not forget Domestic terrorist groups (remember you reading list), and groups working in the Western Hemisphere such as FARC, Hezbolla, and others.

2. Look up State Department terror list (this is the one the FBI refers to others are classified).

3. Consider what is a real possibility threat for the "Homeland".

4. Once we leave the sovereign soil of the U.S., we are pretty much on our own. Yes US embassies, US warships, etc. by law are extensions of this sovereignty but that does not make them safer.

5. If you are a small terror group like Abu Sayyaf in the Southern Philippines, you not as much as threat to US Homeland as ISIS who has been proven to be much more mobile,

6. Indonesia is the home of the largest population of Muslims (I have worked with Malay military forces and they were quite likable as opposed to my experience in the Middle East). Maybe there is something worth looking into there,

7. Anyone seen what the latest is in Croatia/Serbia? There was a brutal genocide there not long about under Clinton's administration.

8. Do not forget your/their history! The US is a toddler compared to most civilizations in the world. History is critical in achieving solutions or at least negotiations and definitely in understanding even our enemies.

Humanities, Academics

  • Category:- Humanities
  • Reference No.:- M91965694
  • Price:- $10

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