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Research Paper

Topic: Comparing PTSD and suicide rate between Military Veterans and the public and talk about the treatment for PTSD.


1. A strong thesis statement.
3.Counter agurement.
4.Up to 6 pages exluding the cite works.
5.Using more than 8 resources from database.
6.Due before 12/07 midnight
7.Be original !

Psychology and Human Behavior

Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried explores soldiers and the emotional and physicalburdens suffered because of war. We have used this novel to facilitate a discussion about theanxiety disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Our in-class topics have includedactive and veteran soldiers diagnosed, civilians diagnosed, diagnosing PTSD, and effectivenessin treatments and therapies.
The research essay will focus on a specific topic you choose based off our discussions regardingPTSD. Use the articles and readings discussed in class to develop an argument for this researchpaper. Everyone will present their proposals prior to beginning the writing process. I will try togive you as much feedback on acceptable topics. Note that proposed topics cannot be changedwithout instructor approval.

Format and Guidelines:
• 8-10 pages in length. This requirement does not include the Works Cited page.• Typed, double-spaced, with 1" margins on all sides. • Times New Roman 12• Follow the MLA format guidelines for the first page of your essay.• Follow the MLA format guidelines for your essay's page numbers. • Provide a separate Works Cited list that conforms to the MLA format style.• Follow guidelines for quotes and paraphrases.• Support your clearly stated thesis with relevant, ample evidence.• All evidence must be analyzed.• Correct grammatical and spelling errors.• Submit research paper in class and into Canvas.

You are required to reference EIGHT- TEN scholarly sources (books, encyclopedias, journals)and appropriately integrate these texts as a means of shaping and supporting the position statedin the thesis. You must use AT LEAST THREE SEPARATE DATABASES. Any websitereferenced should be CREDIBLE (no blogs or unsubstantiated websites.) Your sources mustalso include TWO OPPOSING ARGUMENTS. For a research essay of this size, you shouldnot reference over ten sources.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92184778
  • Price:- $50

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