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Research Argument essay(Smartphone make the people alone)

Your research essay should be at least 5 pages, follow MLA style, present and support a clear argument and incorporate 3-4 credible sources. Rely on books, magazines, journals and databases for your research and avoid Wikipedia, other Encyclopedias and dictionary definitions. Also, do not rely heavily upon Google searches or websites; sources you access online such as databases or online publications with print equivalents are typically fine.

Your essay must contain an arguable thesis and provide synthesis, analysis and support in relation to your topic and claim (argument). You can approach this in any number of ways, you can write a position argument, a rebuttal, a proposal or any type of argumentative piece. I do not want you to compare and contrast the opposing viewpoints of a topic though, as you need to take a clear position and support it. Your ideas are most important and should be supported by research; this should not be a quilt of research stitched together with a few of your thoughts and interjections. You are able to use 1-2 sources from class.

Identify a specific audience for this essay. You can assume that you are writing to an audience of your peers for your general audience, but I want you to identify a specific audience. Think about who is directly and indirectly impacted by your issue and how this might assist you in the reasons you offer in support of your claim, as well as the research you incorporate.

Consider how you will build credibility and in what ways you will synthesize, analyze, evaluate and address works that surround and support your topic and claim. You should also utilize logic and sound reasoning and possibly appeals to emotions (ethos, logos and pathos). You are also required to incorporate the opposing viewpoint in your paper.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M92374112
  • Price:- $10

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