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Read the 9/11 Report. You can read the 585 page original if you want, but I recommend the Graphic Adaptation. You will then answer one of the following questions. You will cite at least three different passages of the report to support your argument. You answer will be at least 500 words in length.


What are your perceptions about how the 9/11 Report has impacted our society?

In your opinion, what recommendation(s) has been the most neglected?

All documents reflect bias. What bias do you detect in the Report?

What were the keys to Osama Bin Laden's success as a leader? Please be specific.

How did the organization of the United States' government make the attack possible?

In your estimate, will the recommendations outlined in the report actually make us safer, or are they akin to closing the barn door after the horses are out?

How closely do the report's recommendations align with what Richard Clarke wanted to do in 1998?

What warnings did we have of the impending attack in the leading up to 9/11?

Given the findings of the report, why did we invade Iraq?

How does Guantanamo Bay figure into the report's recommendations? What are the ramifications of that?

How does the report deal with the impact that its recommendations will have on Americans' civil liberties?

The 9/11 Report was published in July of 2004. Page 131 of the report contains America's report card on how it has responded from that time up to December of 2005. What patterns do you see? Anything that surprises you?

History, Academics

  • Category:- History
  • Reference No.:- M92363712
  • Price:- $30

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