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Question 1. What reason was discussed for new marketers to join industry trade groups and other professional associations?

To differentiate themselves from competitors.

To show willingness to take on responsibility.

To continue learning about emerging issues and practices.

To respond to the major forces identified with Marketing 3.0.

Question 2. What exceptions to copyright law were discussed that allow use of others' intellectual property?

Musical or artistic work

Output that has no commercial value

Parody and fair use

Unpublished intellectual property

Question 3. What aspect of a brand's narrative is illustrated by the example of social responsibility set by several consumer goods manufacturers mentioned?

A brand gains a positive narrative in public perception when marketers live up to the brand image they've created.

No organization can maintain its ethical brand narrative when environmental disaster strikes.

Public communications after the fact of a disaster can usually hinders the brand narrative.

Transparency regarding philosophy and social responsibility can disappoint consumers'


Question 4. Why was it recommended that marketing students learn math concepts?

Because the proliferation of message channels and marketing messages increasingly requires familiarity with qualitative analysis.

Because understanding marketing's effects on the performance of a business requires basic familiarity with accounting and financial analysis.

Because marketing professionals may decide to change their careers.

Because those in customer-facing roles will have a background in sociology, psychology, or anthropology.

Question 5. As discussed, why should marketers operating in financial service settings be aware of the applicable requirements and restrictions?

To assist the organization in maintaining the image of the financial system.

To be prepared to communicate the impact of regulatory changes with clients of their institution.

To serve as a watchdog between regulators, company groups, and customers of the institution.

To maintain a voice for the company to interact with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Commission, the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Question 6. Which of the following was NOT discussed as an area of opportunity for marketers?

Governmental social marketing

Corporate marketing departments

Advertising agencies


Question 7. What advantage of transparency that applies to the employee-employer relationship was discussed?

Both employee and employer can make use of deceptive tactics and optional disclosure of their motivations.

When transparency becomes the widely-accepted norm, consumers have a harder time identifying and interpreting the commercial intent of messages.

Employees and employers are less inclined to give full measure of effort to meeting the terms of the employment contract.

Employees and employers are better able to find a suitable match of values when both behave with transparency.

Question 8. Which answer BEST reflects the relationship between Return on Investment (ROI) and employment in marketing discussed?

Employees are responsible for generating value (ROI) for employers that invest resources in them.

Employees in companies with few measures of ROI will find it easier to prove the value of their contributions.

Employees with a socially conscious mindset will find it easier to demonstrate the ROI of their employment.

Employees who create conflict, opportunism, or unfairness on the job are typically focused on creating value for their employees.

English, Academics

  • Category:- English
  • Reference No.:- M91509730
  • Price:- $10

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